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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Prototype created in late 2015. Main purpose was to figure out grid based movement, similar to Advance Wars.

What was interesting to figure out is how the cursor would react to the tile properties, what is on it, and how to store that data. So for example each unit has specific commands, while selecting the unit itself, selecting a friendly unit, an enemy unit or an empty tile. I think that is also based on what type of unit it is.

While in an action state the grid appears, and it would react on what is on the tile. Also each unit has a specific move distance and an attack distance. Making short or long range attacks possible based on weapon items.

The next step of the prototype was going from a square grid to a hexagon grid. This introduced way more problems then I anticipated, who would have guessed huh. I think the hardest part was figuring out how to select adjacent tiles and fixing how the cursor would react while hovering over a tile. I think this also caused me to drop the prototype, in the end it served its purpose. 

So here is some footage! :)


A few days ago I started a blog for Horizon Danger on Tumblr and decided it would be useful to make one for my personal ramblings and more general dev related posts. I already had an account here and previously used this blog as a travel log as you can see by the old posts. 

At the moment I use the blog at scaffa.nl but it’s outdated and it has some technical difficulties. This change will make it easier for me to post new stuff and share it. I’m not sure if it’s something for the longhaul but so far Tumblr offers exactly what I need.

You can check out the Horizon Danger Tumblr at: www.horizondanger.com


Just arrived in Tokyo, nice to be back again and travel with the metro without any difficulties. Train ride went ok, but thats what you pay for, bit more expensive. Took 2,5 hours instead of the 9 hours it would take if you went by bus.

Didn’t sleep last nice, think it was because i drank a whole carton of coffee. Dont’t feel like sleeping now, it’s 22:13. Got invited to go with a group to do some Karaoke.. so thats the plan O guess.